サンレジン —非イオン性造影剤の脱塩および精製プロセス
造影剤は主に血管や体腔を視覚化するために使用され、インターベンショナル放射線学で一般的に使用される薬剤です。契約メディアには非イオン性とイオン性の 2 種類があります。非イオン性造影剤は毒性の副作用が少ないため広く好まれており、血管造影や経血管造影検査で一般的に使用されています。
1. 膜ろ過: 膜ろ過は、溶液から固体粒子、不純物、高分子、浮遊物質、微生物を除去する分離技術を利用します。望ましい脱塩効果に基づいて、逆浸透膜、限外濾過膜、精密濾過膜などのさまざまな種類の膜を選択できます。
2. 逆浸透: 逆浸透は、半透膜を通して溶液中の溶質と溶媒を分離する脱塩技術です。高圧をかけて溶媒を膜に通過させますが、溶質と溶媒中のイオンと不純物は保持され、溶液から塩やその他の溶質が効果的に除去されます。
3. Ion Exchange Method: Ion exchange is a widely used desalination and purification method. It involves the use of resins or gel materials with ion exchange capabilities to selectively adsorb and release ions in the solution, thereby removing salts and other impurities. The ion exchange method can be customized as cation exchange or anion exchange, depending on the requirements.
4. Chromatographic Desalination Process: The chromatographic separation technology is utilized to eliminate inorganic salts, pigments, and other impurities from the feed solution. The separated extract is further purified using refining resins to ensure effect.
Application case: Iodixanol purification:
Iodixanol Purification: The purification process was developed by Sunresin. After conducting numerous laboratory experiments and pilot tests in the initial stages, the Seplife ® LX-series chromatographic resin was selected for loading. The DAC1000 industrial preparative chromatography system was chosen for the separation process.
Through optimization and process debugging, the chromatography system achieved a yield of over 90% and a purity of over 99.8% in automatic mode. The results obtained in production were consistent with those from the laboratory experiments. The DAC1000 industrial chromatography equipment offers the flexibility to switch between manual and automatic modes, catering to the specific production needs of customers.
DAC Industrial Preparative Chromatography:
DAC preparative chromatography is an efficient technique for sample separation. It utilizes the dynamic axial compression (DAC) column, which enables higher theoretical plate counts and narrower peak widths during the separation process. This enhances separation efficiency and peak capacity. When combined with Sunresin chromatographic separation resins, it delivers superior separation results and is capable of separating complex mixtures effectively.
Advantages of Chromatographic Separation Equipment:
1.Rapid Separation: The DAC technology provides a distinct advantage in terms of rapid separation. By utilizing compression constraints within the DAC system, the length of the separation column can be significantly reduced. This allows DAC columns to complete the separation process in a much shorter time compared to traditional chromatographic columns. As a result, analytical efficiency and sample throughput are improved.
2.Wide Sample Adaptability: DAC technology exhibits excellent adaptability to a wide range of compounds and resins . DAC columns can be packed with various types of packing materials, making them suitable for the separation of compounds with different molecular weights, as well as liquid and solid phase separations. This versatility enables their application in diverse analytical scenarios.
3. Lower Sample Consumption: DAC technology effectively combines high separation efficiency with low sample consumption. Due to the exceptional separation efficiency and peak capacity offered by DAC columns, the required sample can be significantly reduced. This feature proves especially valuable for analyzing compounds with limited availability or high costs.
4. High Stability and Repeatability: DAC columns demonstrate remarkable stability and repeatability. The axial compression forces within the DAC system minimize pile up effect and eccentricity of column, thus enhancing column stability and the reproducibility of separations. This results in more reliable and consistent outcomes.